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E-Book: Taking the Eco-Friendly Packaging Leap

Understanding The Movers And Shakers Behind The Eco‑Friendly Packaging Movement

Retailer, packaging experts and manufacturers across the United States are increasingly turning to new alternatives to replace plastic packaging. This shift in the market is fueled by supply side factors detailed in Sierra’s Eco-Friendly Packaging E-Book.

The increased demand for alternative packaging is backed by data and shows a clear interest on the consumer side for more eco-friendly products. In turn retailers such as Walmart are responding to this demand by redefining packaging recommendation and connecting producers with the new standard in green packaging.

Taking the Eco-Friendly Packaging Leap graphic

In this eBook, Sierra experts offer insight that will help you transition away from traditional packaging and towards the market demand for greener alternatives. Read the eBook to explore:

  • The data behind the “green” packaging trend
  • Common challenges of reducing plastic packaging
  • Tips on choosing the right eco-friendly packaging for your business

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View PDF > October 18, 2024 > Total pages: 1