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Located in Green Bay, Wisconsin – Operations: 920-983-8000   Sales: 920-983-8008 > Page: 1


Celebrating the Holidays with Sierra Coating’s Adhesive Coatings!

It’s that time of year again! Actually, holiday gift buying season starts earlier every year, but by now the odds are good that you have already picked up gifts either in the store or online. The odds are also extremely good that most of the products going under the tree are packaged in heat sealed blister packs, laminated or labeled.

At Sierra Coating, our adhesive coating capabilities play a major role in packaging many of the products you will buy or receive this season. Thanks to 20 years of experience in coating and laminating, we offer our customers the best in a long list of adhesive coating services and products including:Holiday image


  • Heat-activated adhesives
  • Pressure sensitive adhesives
  • Cold seal or Cohesive adhesives
  • Laminating adhesives for similar and dissimilar substrates with wet or dry laminations


  • Pressure sensitive
  • Water activated
  • Permanent
  • Repositionable
  • Weather resistant

Anti-slip paperOne the main advantages of relying on Sierra Coatings is our ability to customize our adhesive coatings to your unique needs. We take into account every variable, such as the activation temperature of your packaging equipment and dwell time to determine the perfect coating for your application. The same custom and comprehensive approach goes into our lamination capabilities.

If your current adhesive coating and laminating services are putting a lump of coal in your stocking, then visit our website, or contact the adhesive coating and laminating experts at Sierra Coating today!

The Rebirth of American Manufacturing

The reshoring of America is underway and gaining momentum. According to a survey from the Boston Consulting Group, 38% of the American manufacturing executives they polled are in the process of moving production back or at least considering the move to the U.S.A.

It was not too long ago that most manufacturers were touting the virtues of moving out of America to places like China and Central America.  So why the change of heart? Why have companies joined Sierra Coating in embracing the “Made in America” movement? While patriotism does play a role in the decision, in the end, business is business and profitability is king. No matter what continent you make your products, if you cannot keep your costs down, the odds of remaining competitive are low. Closeup of grunge American flag

At Sierra Coating, we believe a variety of factors play a role in the rebirth of American manufacturing. They include:

  • Less Shipping

The farther away you manufacture or convert your goods, the longer the shipping routes and times. Shorter trip equals lower costs, it is that simple.

  • Automation

For years, countries like China and Vietnam could claim lower labor costs. However, thanks to innovations in manufacturing automation, it is possible to make high quality products in America with less labor, faster, and more accurately.

  • Regulations

While the U.S has always had tough and often costly environmental regulations, it is only recently that other countries have begun to catch up. The cost saving from less regulation overseas is starting to shrink.

  • Pride

It is hard to replace the pride you get from actually seeing a product come to life. We think that it is this sense of accomplishment has been missing from America for far too long. Reshoring means having pride in your work, your products, your people, and best of all, your country.

  • Natural Gas
    At Sierra, we have become more competitive because of less reliance on foreign energy.  There is a wealth of natural gas and energy to be used which provides a financial advantage.

While there are other more complex reasons for America’s manufacturing renaissance, these five get at the core of the movement. The Sierra Coating family is excited about the future of manufacturing in the U.S., and we could not be more proud to be leading the charge towards a better America.

The Art of New Product Development

Creating, producing, and marketing an innovative and groundbreaking product is not an easy proposition. The pitfalls and risks are many and the costs can be great in terms of both time and money. Of course, succeeding means having a corner of the marketplace all to yourself, this can lead to profits and a boost to the cache of your company.  The key to the entire process is having a partner rich in both experience and skill. At Sierra Coating, when it comes to custom coated and laminated specialty substrates, we are the new product development specialists. To discover what makes Sierra Coating a leader, let us take a closer look at our process of bringing a new product into being.New product development

  • Raw Materials

Whether you are dealing with a nonwoven, plastic, paper, or paperboard product, Sierra Coating will source, test, and choose the perfect raw materials and chemicals to fit your projects needs. Many times, because we have such a vast experience and selection of materials, we can point our clients in a previously hidden direction

  • Cost-Effectiveness

Running lab tests on materials are just a part of picking the right one. We also run extensive economic studies and price out materials to match your budget.

  • Trials

After arriving at the optimal materials, we take our clients through the often-difficult trial process. This entails picking a day and laying out a highly detailed trial plan, including all possible manufacturing techniques, quality control demands and complex design of experiments. On trial day we make up to 10+ versions of your product that you can run through your own specific testing and focus groups.

  • Tightening Up

After you complete your testing and trials, Sierra Coating is there to make all necessary changes or upgrades quickly and cost-effectively. This also includes setting up all necessary converting, printing and packaging.

  • Bring It Home

After all the exhaustive test, trials and quality audits, Sierra Coating is there to manufacture your new product, help with inventory launch, and help get  the completed supply chain working.

For us, the bottom line is that we never let you stray from the path to success. We take all the guesswork, and hopefully the doubt, out of the process. If you are looking to create and launch a new and innovative product, then you need Sierra Coating on your side!

Nonwoven Wipes: Why Dry Is Better Than Wet

We’ve all reached into a bag, purse, or cabinet to grab a cleaning wipe. Whether you are taking make-up off, sanitizing your hands, or just cleaning up around the house, wipes come in all shapes and sizes and can be quite handy. Of course, if you use wipes, especially wet wipes, you are never quite sure if that wipe is going to be fresh or dried out.

When using wet wipes, this will always been a chance you have to take. Now imagine if you could do all of the tasks above, and never again have to worry about a bunch of expensive dried-out pieces of paper?hand with wet wipe cleaning table

That is when nonwoven dry wipes can save the day. At Sierra Coating, we are experts when it comes to the world of dry wipes.  Dry wipes are the same as nonwoven and added cleaning agent, just without the water and alcohol.  In most situations water available.  By removing the water during manufacturing and adding it back at point of use the dry wipe has some real advantages.

So why exactly should you choose nonwoven dry wipes? There are a number of innovative and cost effective reasons.

  • No water means  less expensive packaging
  • Alcohol-based wipes have a tendency to dry out with exposure or over time
  • A dry wipe  that is ready to wet  is lighter and easier to ship
  • You can put greater amounts of soap or cleaning  agent  in a controlled amount.
  • Consumers love them  as a convenient quick cleaning product.e
  • The dry wipe can be carried  anywhere.

For all of these reasons and many more, everyone at Sierra Coating firmly believes that nonwoven dry wipes are the future of the personal and industrial cleaning wipes industry.  If you want to learn more about how and why dry is better than wet in the world of wipes, please visit our website or contact one of our experts today.

The Beauty of Paper Over Plastic

There is nothing like smelling a forest filled with beautiful plastic pine trees on a cool fall day. Wait. OK how about going green by planting five plastic trees for everyone you cut down? No, that doesn’t work either.

The point? No matter how many “green” and “recycled” labels you slap on petroleum-based plastic products, they cannot and will never be as renewable as paper. Unlike trees, oil and gas don’t put C02 back into the atmosphere and trees are a homegrown product that unlike plastic are not beholden to the ups and downs of oil and gas prices.

If it is both more environmentally friendly and often more affordable, why aren’t more things made out of paper? One of the main reasons has always been that plastic outperforms paper at some tasks, like waterproofing and sealing.

Reduce, reuse, recycle word cloudAt Sierra, thanks to our innovative technology and methods we are bridging this ever-shrinking performance gap everyday.  Sierra is able to coat the back or front of paper in order to enhance its ability. A great example is food and cleaning product packaging. Sierra can create water barriers and heat sealed packages, all with our state-of-the-art recyclable coatings. It is hard to be more “green” then replacing PVC and other plastics with recyclable paper.

One of the other benefits to using paper is that major retailers like Walmart are now demanding that products reach very high standards of recyclability. The Walmart Sustainability Index  grades the “Greenness” of products, if you don’t get a high enough index score, your product will not end up on the shelves of the world’s biggest retailers, and no one can afford for that to happen! Once again, the solution is paper, and thanks to Sierra, you can now easily replace plastics with coated paper products and suffer no fall-off in quality.

The next time you think you have no choice but to use hard or impossible to recycle plastics in your packaging, think again.

Think Green. Think Affordable. Think Effective. Think Paper.

What You Need For Great Food Packaging

There could not be a more exciting time to be involved in the food packaging industry. It feels like every day brings some new and innovative way to package the foods we eat.  In order to bring today’s hi-tech packaging designs into production and to the consumer, there are a few things that you must have.  This blog will not only highlight those “must-haves” but also shine a light on how Sierra Coating Technologies offers them to our clients.High Barrier Coated Paper for Dry Food Packaging

High-Quality Facility

It goes without saying that to produce a high-quality product you need a high-quality facility.  In the food packaging industry, that means one thing, Good Manufacturing Practice or GMP for short.  These general guidelines include making sure your facility:

  • Is of suitable size, design, and construction
  • Is clean and cleanable
  • Has the right equipment with right personnel trained and experienced to run it
  • Offers proper labeling, record keeping, and lab controls

Raw Material Standards

While GMP is more of a suggestion than a regulation, when it comes to the raw materials you use, FDA guidelines are set in stone.  No matter the type of food you are dealing with, whether it is fatty foods, meats, or dry foods, you need the perfect raw materials to meet the exacting FDA food packaging standards. If you don’t have access to these materials and a staff capable of understanding the intricacies of the FDA standards, you cannot be a successful food packager.

The next time you choose a coating company for an important food-packaging job, make sure they can offer you a facility that meets GMP guidelines, understands FDA regulations and requirements, and a staff that can get the job done right.   At Sierra Coating Technologies, we can offer you all of the above, and more. > July 16, 2024 > Total pages: 1